Weight: 4490 grams
This Crystal Skull has such magnificent presence!!! This is a very dramatic and beautiful Life Size Tibetan Himalayan Quartz Crystal Skull carved by Soul2Shine.
Himalayan Quartz Crystal is a very powerful stone that is full of magic. We have not known any other Quartz to feel the same as Himalayan Quartz. Coming from the Himalayas, Tibetan Quartz feels sacred and special because it is infused with the beautiful spiritual energies of this region.
This quartz crystal skull was hand carved with the utmost attention to realism. This is one of our High Definition skulls, completely hand detailed with carved out jaw & cheekbones.
This life size quartz crystal skull measures 7.25 inches front to back.
This is natural quartz crystal with many beautiful and interesting internal inclusions. A true gift from mother earth.
High on the rooftop of the world, amidst the majestic Himalayas, exists a very special spiritual vortex. The mountains there are timeless, enfolded within a universe almost apart from our own. It is here that the Earth meets with the Heavens: Earth's Crown Chakra.
The many peoples of the Himalayas have kept humanitys collective energy connected to the Earths at this most sacred of places for thousands of years. Their highly developed level of consciousness in part comes from their close contact to this highly energetic place. Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra) emanates the True Will, or in other words, the Earths True Purpose.
The removal of ritual from these holy places has created some of the discord we are all experiencing energetically. This is why it is so important for Light Workers and people everywhere to maintain the ritual of connecting to the divine energy of the crown chakra on a regular basis. We must work to reconnect this link that was broken.
Himalayan Quartz is found in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet and Nepal and resonates deeply with the amazing energies of this region. Powerful stones that are in the Earth there, and that hold the Divine resonance, are asking to be removed and brought to people who can work with them with loving hearts and spiritual alignment.
Himalayan Quartz is a Storm element stone that provides rapid expansion of consciousness combined with an activation of the grounding cord. These crystals carry the ancient energy and records of the Himalayas within their crystalline matrix. For those with a strong affinity to this area of the planet, working with these crystals will feel like coming home.
Spiritual: Himalayan Quartz opens one to vastly expanded states of consciousness. These stones clear the auric field and fill the physical and energetic bodies with full-spectrum Light. Tibetan Quartz assists the physical body in integrating and using this Light as needed for spiritual growth or physical repair.
Emotional: Himalayan Quartzes aid in moving out of attachment to the emotions and into a higher perspective, were emotions are clues as to what still needs to be cleared and released from the energetic field. They assist in practicing non-attachment and non-resistance.
Physical: Himalayan Quartz is primarily for healing and repair of the nervous system, including the myelin sheath, the brain and the nerve ganglia that generate the electromagnetic energies of the chakras.
Affirmation: My auric field is cleansed, energized and filled with Light. I carry and share this Light with all whom I encounter.
A Few Words on Why & How to Work with Crystal Skulls:
The Crystal Skull makes immediate resonant identification with the mind and heart of a human and can potentially assist human beings in expanding consciousness and to download information for higher dimensional communication. By placing a crystal skull within ones environment, one can access varied frequencies of expanded consciousness. The representation of the human skull carved in stone is a powerful image. It is one which corresponds with our deepest human emotions, hopes, and dreams. It is a gateway to the inner soul. By bringing a crystal skull to sacred places, bringing it in contact with other skulls, especially ancient ones, and allowing people to work with them through meditation, it will continually increase the information and energies stored within it. In this way crystal skulls become an increasingly valuable tool on our path of healing, transformation and ascension.
For more information on Working with Crystals and Crystal Skulls please visit our Blog...
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