Weight: 1 gram
The mention of Ajoite stirs images of brilliant Aqua-Blue inclusions in Quartz, mystical and heart centered. A stone with energies of spiritual expansion and the depth of soul necessary to accomplish such journeys.
We are delighted to offer this incredible stone! This is Ajoite in Quartz. Both beautiful and rare.
Location: Messina Copper Mines, South Africa
Metaphysical and Healing properties of Ajoite:
Keywords: Love, Healing, Emotional Support, Angelic Realms
Chakras: Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), Etheric (Extending beyond the body)
Affirmation: I open my heart to love and speak its truth with openness and compassion. As I am healed, I heal others.
Ajoite is an important metaphysical stone and is much sought after by crystal lovers. Its energies are emotionally soothing and healing, and many people report that Ajoite connects them to the heart of the Earth itself. On some occasions, people break into tears the first time they hold a piece of Ajoite. Ajoite is believed to transmute negative energy to positive energy and to relieve unhappiness. It is a stone of feminine empowerment and activates the upper chakras.
Ajoite in Quartz emanates one of the sweetest, most nurturing and loving energies of any stone in the mineral kingdom. It is a pure bearer of the vibrations of Mother Earth, the feminine aspect of the life force of our planet. Ajoite can cleanse the heart of sorrow, wash negativity out of one's thoughts, and open the floodgates of Love, lifting one to the highest planes. Ajoite brings peace and loving acceptance from within. It symbolizes the awareness of "All" and represents the purity of both the Earth and the infinite universal potential available for all to access.
Metaphysical and Healing properties of Quartz Crystal:
Quartz Crystal stimulates psychic perception. It amplifies, stores, focuses, transmits, and transforms energy. Quartz works with all the chakras; however, especially clear quartz opens the crown chakra. Quartz amplifies visualizations and is great for meditation and co creation. It assists one in being receptive to higher communication and guidance. Quartz Crystal has been used for centuries as a tool for meditation and healing. It is a stone of immense capabilities when coupled with the human psyche. It is a gateway to the inner soul.
This beautiful rare Ajoite crystal measures 25 x 9 x 6 mm.
- Identifier Exists:
- False