You will receive one similar to the photos.
These Hand Carved Seraphinite Angels measure approximately 54 x 35 x 22 mm.
Seraphinite is a powerful gemstone for crystal healing. It is also an increasingly rare gemstone to find. We carved these beautiful angels ourselves and there is a very limited supply. You will not find Seraphinite Angels any where else.
These Seraphinite Angels are very powerful for creating Sacred Space.
This offering is for one Seraphinite Angel that is similar to the one shown in the photos.
They embody the pure form of prayer, evoking the love and light of creation. Gorgeous Angelic Russian Seraphinite.
This magnificent stone is as beautiful as it is rare. Shimmering green Chlinochlore (its scientific name), also known as Seraphinite is a beautiful Chatoyant silver and green stone from Russia. Its beauty is like that of many Russian minerals, its silvery flowered crystal patterns are reminiscent of Charoite.
Metaphysical and Healing properties of Seraphinte:
Seraphinte cleanses the aura and chakras. It bridges the communication between our Higher Self our Angels and Spirit Guides. Seraphinite is one of the Chlorite minerals renowned for their healing and cleansing abilities of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It is both centering and energizing at the same time, and its beautiful green shades show how well it is suited to the heart chakra. Seraphinite is very evolved and will bring the user very rapidly along his or her evolution. It is no mistake that Seraphinite's name derives from the Seraphim. This stone resonates strongly with all levels of the Angelic domain, even the highest. Those who wish to meet the Angels in meditation or dreaming can use this stone to facilitate the necessary attunements.
Keywords: Self-Healing, Regeneration, Wholeness, Angelic Connection
Chakras: All
Seraphinite is found only in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia. It is characterized by its deep green color, laced with shimmering patterns of silver that move with changing angles of light reflection. Seraphinite derives its name from its perceived link to the Seraphim, the highest order of Angels.
These Hand Carved Seraphinite Angels measure approximately 54 x 35 x 22 mm.
This Beautiful free standing figure is hand carved!
You will receive one Seraphinite Angel that is very similar to the Angel shown in the photos.
- Identifier Exists:
- False